What Should You Do To Have A Flat Belly?

What Should You Do To Have A Flat Belly?

Of course, eating a balanced diet is very important, but do not forget about exercise and certain foods that you should not consume to avoid bloating. Having a flat stomach is the dream of many people and is much more difficult to achieve. But everything can be much easier than you think! The first step is to give up a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, you must also improve your living habits. This is where our simple tips will help you. Try to implement them in practice, and very quickly, you will get the desired result. It happens that by adding a few good habits to your usual rhythm of life, you will immediately see the difference and feel much better.

Tips To Have A Flat Stomach

So, if you want to wake up with a flat stomach, you should pay close attention to what you usually do before bed.

1. Skip Yogurt for Dinner

Yes, yogurt has many health benefits. But if you want your stomach to become flat, then avoid eating it at dinner. After all, most yogurt varieties contain sugar and lactose (natural sugar), which will be difficult for your body to digest.

The combination of these components (lactose and sugar) can cause bloating. However, if you are used to eating yogurt in the evening, then opt for natural Greek yogurt without sugar. Fruit is also a good option for dinner. They are rich in fiber and therefore help to satisfy hunger and improve sleep.

2. Stay Away From Alcohol

Those who dream of having a flat belly must avoid drinking alcoholic beverages in excess. Alcohol provides the body with excess calories, which in turn leads to obesity and other serious health problems. Thus, it is better to get addiction treatment and say goodbye to alcohol forever for a healthier life. Unfortunately, many people do not get the treatment due to financial burdens.

The good news for them is that many insurance companies cover addiction treatment. You can even search on your browser does insurance cover drug rehab treatment or directly call your insurance to get further details. Such a facility will make it easier for you to abandon alcohol consumption and sustain sobriety.

3. Exercise Before Bed

We all know that everyone should exercise daily for at least 30-40 minutes to stay fit. Apart from it, if you devote 8 minutes to some simple exercises (2-3 hours before bedtime), you will soon see that your stomach becomes flatter. This will be noticeable even overall weight loss. The most recommended exercise is the squat.

  • Perform a squat, return to the starting position, and then raise your arms with dumbbells above your head.
  • Repeat the exercise for several sets for 8 minutes. Try to keep the pauses no longer than 20-30 seconds.

4. Choose The Right Breakfast

Starting the day with the right breakfast is very important, especially if you want to have a flat stomach. Butyric acid, for example, can help reduce inflammation in the body and improve insulin resistance. You will also be able to stimulate your bowels, and your stomach will immediately be less “bloated.”

It will also help you stay full and feel light during the morning. Combining oatmeal with dark chocolate, berries, nuts, and cinnamon is a good choice. If you’re not sure how to follow a healthy diet, ask a nutritionist for advice.

5. Reduce Your Salt Intake

Salt, in principle, should not be abused, but it is especially important to pay attention to this aspect at dinner. In addition, salt is one of the main ingredients (due to the abundance of sauces) in Chinese cuisine. As a result of its use, your stomach will look swollen. The same goes for Mexican dishes.

6. Don’t Chew Sugar-Free Gum

If you want to have a flat stomach, don’t chew gum. You probably think differently, but sugar-free gum is actually not as harmless as it seems. Numerous scientific studies found that sorbitol, a type of sugar alcohol used in sugar-free chewing gums, gets digested very slowly.

As a result, it promotes bacterial fermentation, which can eventually lead to bloating, flatulence, or diarrhea. But that’s not all. For example, when we chew gum, we activate appetite in the brain (at least, this is how it interprets the signal sent).

7. Stay Away From Fitness Bars

Cereal bars, which have become very popular today, may seem like a great option for a snack. But in fact, everything is not so simple, and here’s why. These seemingly harmless products contain whey lactose, which causes bloating. 

They also often contain soybeans, which lead to increased gas formation. And, of course, they just have a huge amount of sugar. But, do not forget that we are talking about a processed product, which means that it will definitely have more calories than we would like. So the effect can be completely opposite, i.e., gain in weight.

8. Light Dinner

While this may seem obvious, it’s important to remember that dinner should be light. And you should sit down to eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. This will avoid heaviness in the stomach, as well as problems with sleep. If you feel hungry even after having dinner, you have a light snack. However, do not go to sleep immediately after snacking.

9. Drink Smoothies, But Only Homemade

There is nothing better than eating natural fruit, but some people prefer smoothies and shakes. Well, this is also possible, just make them yourself! If you want to have a flat stomach, the best option is to make homemade smoothies without sugar, dyes, and other substances. Luckily, the options are plentiful.

Take Away

Now you know the useful basic tips, so sooner or later, you will definitely wake up with a flat stomach. Just do not forget about daily physical activity, proper nutrition, and good rest. Remember that your last actions before bed are important for both your figure and your health.


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